Thursday, April 28, 2011

suicide note

I didn’t do good things for the world
but I wanna see You my Lord
I'm the evil and that's what i feel
I only want something to kill

Father forgive me I want to die
I’m sorry I’m tired of this life
doing some good things I need to do
for my life now has no value

I’m crying as I write this letter
I hope that you still remember
some of happy moments together
will never away forever

there’s no reason for me tomorrow
many things happened in sorrow
forgive me Lord, I just want to die
but I don’t like my eyes to cry

I don’t know why people are so strange
living this world I’m also strange
finding the truth when it’s only lie
and they also deserve to die

I’m so sorry I just want to fly
and fill my fantasy so high
I only want to play in the sky
so my last word will be goodbye


1 comment:

  1. taena anlupet mu talaga, idol!!!
    ahaha. -lhen-

    Good post. -delila-

    *i don't even know delila ngayong ko lang na basa comment nito.. hahah
