Monday, June 14, 2010

empty mind

focus empty your mind have no idea what to think well i think it's like an empty glass hopeless just focus your mind alert see through your ears and hear through your arms feel the distance and focus then you will see what i mean to say empty your mind relax have a day off if you want to and focus again and do the shadow dance with a snake follow the rules drink the water on fountain and focus and they can never break you down

well life is a full of joke anyway don't listen to a word they say only listen to yourself feel your heart focus your mind search your soul as you search yourself as well in case you still don't know you yourself sometimes it's hard but it worth the wait so open up your mind and see the people around you just feel the words they trying to say well i don't know what am i trying saying too maybe don't listen to me as well it just like a river inside my mind I write whatever flows onto my mind as i lay my hands on the keyboard

I wrote with just an empty mind

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