Monday, July 12, 2010

garbage can

in the garbage can, i feel safe
my world is here this is my fave yeah
would you like to come with me now
and i promise you'll never be frown

in the garbage can
I'm the rich man yeah
here in the garbage can

well i know you think I'm crazy
but this can means so much to me
i love to stay there anytime
when I'm there i feel the world was mine

in the garbage can
i feel the sun yeah
here in the garbage can

near in garbage can i put chair
i wear my sun glass and sit there

this is the lyrics of my own song inspire by my favourite cartoons: top cat, i like the main character of top cat was also his name, it was long time ago, i always watch top cat before on cartoon network; top cat is group of thief cat who lives in a garbage can. top cat is favourite when i was 12 or 13. In earlier 2008 when i was in school i get bored listening to our teacher so i began writing poem about top cat and before the class was dismiss the poem was done as well. And when i got home i pick up my guitar and began to put i melody on it and its in the key of D..

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